Friday 7 June 2013

Nivea: Solar Powered iphone Print Ad

Us Brits are the first to throw off our clothes the minute the Sun shows its cheeky face for a few minutes. Sun cream isn't really advertised much in the UK for obvious reasons so we stupidly don't really pay much attention to it. 

However, Beach life is famous in Brazil and therefore brands face a lot of competition to stand out from each other and encourage Sun worshipers to wear Sun cream.

Nivea have recently launched a clever print ad campaign that works as a solar powered iphone charger. As you laze in the sun reading the latest gossip your iphone will happily stay on charge, ensuring that you can capture that all important instagram selfie to show off your tan. 

Check out this little video:

The question is whether this print campaign actually promotes sun bathers to a) wear sun cream and b) buy Nivea sun cream. It's difficult to say but what it has and will do will build conversation and build positive brand affinity - which although isn't immediate sales, will help drive consideration, purchase and advocacy at a later time. 

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